Great Relationships

Relationships are crucial in life - we were created as relational beings. The tricky thing is that relationships don't just happen. You have to be wise and intentional about who your build relationships with.

'He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.'
Proverbs 13:20

Evaluate your life in the following five areas. Do you have a person that can influence and encourage you in these areas.

• Spiritual - who inspires and encourages you to grow in your relationship with God?
• Physical - who inspires and encourages you to take better care of the body that God has given you?
• Relational - who inspires and encourages you in the way you interact in all your other relationships?
• Financial - who inspires and encourages you to make wise decisions with your money?
• Professional - who inspires and encourages you to become better in your profession?

If you don't have someone in each of these areas of your life - seek someone out. It is highly unlikely that the same person can fulfill each of these rolls but a person might be able to fulfill a couple of them.